מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • Too High a Price?

    The July 21st fatal stabbings of Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya, 46, and his son Elad, 36 is one more tragedy added to a seemingly never-ending list. The dead and maimed keep piling up but the Zionist dream seems alive and well, impervious to truth’s brutal onslaught. Though Zionism’s basic intransigence means appeals to…

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  • What Are We Mourning?

    This week, Jews of all stripes will observe TIsha B’av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, a day of fasting and mourning over the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. What are they mourning? G-d decreed that the Jewish people should be in exile. We say in our prayers, “Because of our sins we…

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  • The Zionist Nationality Versus the Religion of Judaism

    August 12th’s “Unite the Right” rally was, from its inception, a tragedy. A tragedy of violence. A tragedy of people unable to cope with their lives and therefore looking for a fitting scapegoat. Before, during and after the Rights’ “unification”, a central theme emerged. Spewing from white supremacist Twitter feeds and other social media outlets…

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  • Fortess “Israel”

    That Benjamin Netanyahu doesn’t plan on evacuating any of his country’s illegal settlements isn’t shocking. We all sort of knew that was his stance, even if he wouldn’t have given us none-too-subtle hints from time to time. What defies logic is Bibi’s occasional habit of announcing from the roof-tops that he has no intention of…

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  • Yelling “Bomb!” In A Crowded Theatre

    “Israel’s” Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar, recently issued a condemnation of those who visit the Har HaBayis (Temple Mount), adding his name to a long list of rabbis, both Zionist and Anti-Zionist, who have stated in no uncertain terms that visiting the site is completely prohibited according to Jewish law. Though he blames…

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  • “Unity” or Oppression of Opinion?

    “What’s wrong with you people?! Why do you tear down other Jews instead of building them up? We have to be united.” Translation: “How dare you disagree with us?! Why do you tear down our ideology instead of blindly agreeing with us? We can’t allow any dissent.” The above comment with its accompanying between-the-lines translation…

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  • Dear Friend of the Jewish People…

    The following article was submitted by our friend Reb Amrom Friedman. Two weeks ago, Breitbart News featured an article detailing the work of the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews (IFCJ), led by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein in Chicago. Speaking in glowing terms, the article details some of the IFCJ’s many programs which include, but are…

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  • Anti-Zionism Does Not Equal Anti-Semitism

    The presence of Anti-Semitism on college campuses was vehemently debated at a congressional hearing last week to examine the viability of the proposed “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” – conceived to formally identify the language used in such an act, and to aid in the investigating of alleged civil rights violations. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte…

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  • Orthodox Jewish Educational Event in Nassau Coliseum

    There was no classroom big enough, so they rented a stadium. Masses of authentic Torah Jews are expected to fill the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum to capacity this Sunday at 4:00 PM to hear major rabbis lecture on the incompatibility of Judaism and Zionism. The lectures will emphasize the differences between Judaism – a religion…

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  • Speech by the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Ahron Teitelbaum, at Nassau Coliseum,

    Esteemed rabbis, tzaddikim, gaonim, roshei yeshivos, esteemed community members, kollel members, bochurim, and yeshiva students – all of us gathered here today: We find in this week’s Torah reading that Moshe Rabbeinu told the spies, “Be strong and take from the fruit of the land” (Bamidbar 13:20). The Tiferes Shlomo explains “fruit of the land”…

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