מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.

one red man standing with other people with phone,unique person in the crowd,illustration


The Balfour “Mis-Declaration”

Theodor Herzl, both in the public and private spheres, proudly advertised the Zionist Organization as the official LEGAL representative of the entire Jewish People

 He based this claim on the Roman principle of negotiorum gestio, which says that when the property of a person is in danger and the owner of said property isn’t present to save it, anyone who volunteers may step in and become its legal manager for the sake of its salvation.  Herzl claimed that since the Jews were in danger and, according to him, had no one to take care of them, he and his friends would step in as legal guardians of the entire Jewish People. 

Why Jews are forbidden to enter the Temple Mount

Zionist Attempts At Remaking Jewish Identity

The Silencing of Anti-Zionist Rabbis

Does Israel Increase The Safety of Jews?

The “Business of Antisemitism”

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