מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • A Bleaker Than Usual History

    Recently, Israel approved the building of 323 units in settlements in East Jerusalem on top of 770 units that were previously approved in the settlement of Gilo. U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby stated that such actions by “Israel’, “continues this pattern of provocative and counterproductive actions”. Mr. Kirby also called the settlement activity, “corrosive…

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  • Settlements – A Registered Trademark of Zionism

    “All the slogans about Torah and settlement, the Land of Israel and the people of Israel are attempts to forget the simple and pain-torn fact: you are dead. You are dead, and no slogan will bring you back. You are not a symbol or a national event.” Motti Fogel, Brother of Deceased Israeli Settler Udi Fogel, By His Funeral This week has seen a marked upturn in…

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  • Family Ties

    The territorial issues will be discussed in a permanent agreement. Till then we have no intention to build new settlements or set aside land for new settlements. – Benjamin Netanyahu – Israeli Prime Minister – 2009 West Bank Settlement-Building Activity Quadrupled This Year – Peace Now Settlement Watch We had public assurances from the Israeli…

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  • Follow The Leader?!

    In life, when opportunity knocks many fail to grab it, often letting it slip fluidly from their as yet still loose grasp.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, does not belong to this category.  When, on October 12, 6 UNESCO nations submitted a resolution concerning East Jerusalem, condemning Israel for aggressions against freedom of worship…

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  • With Open Eyes

    “It sometimes feels, nonetheless, like many campaigns are stuck in a time warp, or rather an alternate universe. They’re spending thousands of dollars — and in some cases millions — to sway Jewish voters chiefly based on the false notion that Israel is terribly important to a majority of Jewish Americans.” – Los Angeles Times…

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  • Aliyah Day

    “A preservation of national integrity is impossible except by the preservation of racial purity, and for that purpose we are in need of a territory of our own where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority.”– Vladimir Jabotinsky “We are only a nation by virtue of the Torah.”– Saadya Gaon In June of this year,…

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  • American Jews to Zionism: Bye Bye

    “…the ‘widespread sense of disillusionment’ with the Jewish state is fueled, Waxman contends, not by ignorance but, to the contrary, by a growing enlightenment. The more American Jews know about Israel, he writes, the more disabused they become of what many now realize were naive misconceptions.” Mosaic Magazine The shock and outrage that emanated from…

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  • The Activist Who Cried Wolf (Anti-Semitism)

    Raised voices and flared tempers seem have to become the norm in the aftermath of this year’s roller coaster election, with a wide assortment of groups and individuals orating on every possible aspect of the election and the incoming administration. Not surprisingly, one of the most strident voices amongst the above mentioned groups is that…

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  • Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism are Unrelated

    The news has been full of charges of anti semitism lately.  In light of this, we feel it necessary to take a step back and examine the question of, what exactly is anti semitism. The Oxford Dictionary definition of anti-Semitism is “hostility to or prejudice against Jews.”  You wouldn’t know that though, if you read…

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  • Zionist Eugenics: Their Attempts At Remaking Jewish Identity

    When the foremost spokesman of the “alt-right” movement equated Zionism with White Supremacy, as similar movements striving for the same objective, to a Hillel House Rabbi at Texas A&M University speech, the rabbi was left speechless. In all honesty, he should have been. If one were to envision the accusation of “Zionism = White Supremacy”…

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