מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch Opposes Agudath Israel’s Lobbying Efforts

    Aug 21 2015 The following is the text of a speech by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, member of the Rabbinical Court of the Eidah Chareidis and one of the preeminent Torah authorities of this generation, on the subject of the Iran deal and American Jewish lobbying, given as part of his opening address for the beginning…

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  • Op-Ed: Anti-Iran Deal Lobbyists Perpetuating Anti-Semitism

    Much has been said about President Obama’s proposed Iran deal. Some of the conversation has been framed as civilized debate, while other dialogue has deteriorated into an endless litany of ugliness. While strong words have been used by parties on both sides in reference to this deal, it seems that, particularly within the Jewish community,…

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  • Visiting the Temple Mount is Absolutely Forbidden, for More Than One Reason

    Recently, there has been an increase in the number of Jews visiting the Temple Mount, with the encouragement of various religious ultra-Zionist organizations. We wish to reiterate the simple fact that for centuries, rabbis from all Orthodox Jewish communities have ruled that Jews are forbidden to enter the Temple Mount nowadays. In today’s climate of…

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  • The Current Violence in the Holy Land, and the Path to Peace

    Over the last few weeks, we have seen a shocking surge in violence in the Holy Land Innocent people on both the Jewish and Palestinian side have been killed and wounded This new wave of murderous acts is a disaster – Following the news, even seeing the pictures, shakes every person with a heart to…

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  • We want to coexist in peace! – TTJ Publishes Arabic Ad

    In light of the tensions surrounding the Temple Mount question and the increasing terror attacks, the True Torah Jews organization has embarked on a massive campaign in the Palestinian media to differentiate between Judaism and Zionism, while issuing a call for peace. True Torah Jews published the following message of peace as a full-page ad…

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  • The Spirit of the Chanukah Candles, And Their Lesson

    This week Jews celebrate the festival of Chanukah, to commemorate the miracles G-d made for them in ancient times. During the time of the Second Temple, the Jews overcame their enemies, who tried to force them to abandon the study of Torah and the practice of its commandments. (The Zionists of today have made, and…

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  • American Jews, Come Home from the “Safe Haven”!

    U.S. State Department Issues Israel, The West Bank and Gaza Travel WarningLAST UPDATED: DECEMBER 16, 2015 http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings/israel-trave… The security environment remains complex in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. U.S. citizens need to be aware of the continuing risks of travel to areas described in this Travel Warning where there are heightened tensions and security…

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  • The Ultra-Orthodox Will Never Surrender to the Zionist Idea

    The Jerusalem Post recently published an article declaring that ultra-Orthodoxy has surrendered to the Zionist idea. This declaration sure is news to the hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews who want nothing to do with the Zionist State. The Post offers no concrete evidence to back up their claim; the evidence they do bring is circumstantial at…

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  • French Jews: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire?

    In an interview with the Times of Israel, Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations suggested that French Jews have “plans in place” to immigrate to the State of Israel. Hoenlein cites security concerns as the impetus for his warning. There are “whole areas in France where the…

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  • All Israel Offers is a False Sense of Security

    aliyahnoun ali•yah \ä-ˈlē-(ˌ)yä, ˌä-lē-ˈyä\Definition of aliyah1. : the immigration of Jews to Israel In a recent investigation, Vice News looked into the increased aliyah of French Jewry, and the Israeli government’s efforts to make sure that this wave continues well into the future. Of particular interest was the answer Natan Sharansky, the chairman of the Jewish…

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