מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • An Open Letter to President Donald Trump

    Throughout the 2016 Presidential Campaign and its aftermath, President Trump has stated unequivocally that he plans to seek the good for all American citizens. As American citizens, True Torah Jews feels it incumbent on ourselves to state our position in clear and respectful manner. Therefore, we wish to issue the following letter. Mr. President, Almost…

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  • Mazal Tov President Trump

    True Torah Jews wishes congratulate President Donald Trump on being swore in as President of the United States of America. May he lead America on a path of economic prosperity and guide our nation with wisdom. As believing Jews, we are required to seek the well being and pray for our heads of state, wherever…

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  • Contemporary Issues through a Torah Lens: Bibi’s Dramatic Reaction to UN Settlement Vote

    https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/306743283&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true This is Rabbi Shapiro’s 4th and final lecture in the series “Contemporary Issues through a Torah Lens” In this segment Rabbi Shapiro discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s reaction the the UN’s vote to condemn “Israel’s” illegal West Bank settlements. All cultural movements have an ideology and Zionism is no different. The original creators…

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  • Français: Parasita Yitro

    Avant le don de la Torah au Mont Sinaï, Hachem dit à Moché de ne laisser personne monter sur la montagne: «Faites une frontière pour les gens tout autour, en disant:” Prenez garde de ne pas monter sur la montagne ou toucher n’importe quelle partie de celle-ci … »(Shemos 19:12) Les Baalei Hatosafot, les rabbins…

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  • Make Americans Safe Again

    Since the state came into existence, “Israel” has been claiming to represent Jews both within their country and abroad. They claim that the modern state of Israel is a home for all Jews and the only place in the world where Jews can truly be safe. They have been making this claim throughout the decades,…

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  • Excuses, Excuses

    In 1917, Arthur James Balfour publicized the infamous “Balfour Declaration” in the form of a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild: “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which…

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  • And The Award Goes To…

    “The prize is being given to him fifty years after the reunification of the city [Jerusalem]. He initiated, established, led and leads this praiseworthy effort” “Israel” Prize Committee Awards ceremonies are often times little more than spectacles of self-congratulation, a way for us as humans to stretch out our arms and give ourselves a seemingly well-deserved…

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  • Hooray For Revisionism! – A Deeper Look Into The Recent History of Middle Eastern Jewry

    “Concealment of the historical truth is a crime against the people.”Russian General Petro G. Grigorenko And some of the greatest repeat offenders are Zionists. This series’ goal is simple. We aim to ask one uncomplicated but often neglected question. Jews living in Islamic lands had for centuries lived their lives according to the dictates of…

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  • The 5th of Iyar – When The Sky Turned Black

    “Our revolution is directed not only against a system but against destiny, against the unique destiny of a unique people.”David Ben-Gurion The 5th day of the Jewish month of Iyar is celebrated in “Israel” with streets festooned with flags, barbecues and of course the ubiquitous fireworks of all independence days around the globe. At some…

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  • What Are They Remembering?

    True Torah Jews received a letter from an American who recently made aliyah to “Israel”. Here’s what she wrote: I just returned from a Yom HaZicharon presentation with my Ulpan (Modern Hebrew language) class. It was my first and I went with an open mind. I hadn’t had breakfast or lunch and lacked the strength…

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