מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • The Spirit of the Chanukah Candles, And Their Lesson

    This week Jews celebrate the festival of Chanukah, to commemorate the miracles G-d made for them in ancient times. During the time of the Second Temple, the Jews overcame their enemies, who tried to force them to abandon the study of Torah and the practice of its commandments. (The Zionists of today have made, and…

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  • American Jews, Come Home from the “Safe Haven”!

    U.S. State Department Issues Israel, The West Bank and Gaza Travel WarningLAST UPDATED: DECEMBER 16, 2015 http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings/israel-trave… The security environment remains complex in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. U.S. citizens need to be aware of the continuing risks of travel to areas described in this Travel Warning where there are heightened tensions and security…

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  • The Ultra-Orthodox Will Never Surrender to the Zionist Idea

    The Jerusalem Post recently published an article declaring that ultra-Orthodoxy has surrendered to the Zionist idea. This declaration sure is news to the hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews who want nothing to do with the Zionist State. The Post offers no concrete evidence to back up their claim; the evidence they do bring is circumstantial at…

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  • French Jews: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire?

    In an interview with the Times of Israel, Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations suggested that French Jews have “plans in place” to immigrate to the State of Israel. Hoenlein cites security concerns as the impetus for his warning. There are “whole areas in France where the…

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  • All Israel Offers is a False Sense of Security

    aliyahnoun ali•yah \ä-ˈlē-(ˌ)yä, ˌä-lē-ˈyä\Definition of aliyah1. : the immigration of Jews to Israel In a recent investigation, Vice News looked into the increased aliyah of French Jewry, and the Israeli government’s efforts to make sure that this wave continues well into the future. Of particular interest was the answer Natan Sharansky, the chairman of the Jewish…

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  • The Zionist Independence Day Is A Day Of Mourning And Fasting

    May 13, 2016 (Caption: Orthodox Jews in the Holy Land protest on a previous year’s Zionist independence day. Sign reads: “We mourn 64 years of Zionist rebellion against G-d and His Torah.”) In this period after the Passover holiday, Zionists call upon the Jewish people to celebrate the Zionist Independence Day and Holocaust Day, which…

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  • TTJ Radio Show to Focus on Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism in the UK

    This Sunday night, May 15 from 10-11 PM, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro of True Torah Jews will be hosting a radio show on New York’s 770 WABC. The theme of the program will be the question, asked so often in today’s political world: “So you’re against Zionism – does that make you an anti-Semite?” The latest…

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  • A World Jewish Congress Lie

    Anti-Israel but not Anti-Jew? Its a lie. At least that’s what Ronald Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress claims it is. Addressing a crowd in the King David Hotel where he received the Guardian of Zion award, the President declared that ‘when someone says they are not anti-Semitic – they are only anti-Israel that…

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  • Fodder for Propaganda

    A fresh wave of terror has descended upon the Jewish community, severing the lives of innocent Jews; leaving parents without their children and children begging for their parents. Thursday, June 30th, 2016.  Thirteen year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel was murdered in her sleep when a Palestinian man infiltrated her home, snuffing out a young life…

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  • A Brave New World

    What is the catalyst for a Jew in the Diaspora making aliyah to Israel? Safety? The 218 North American immigrants arriving in Israel this past Tuesday proved the contrary. The El Al plane chartered by Nefesh Benefesh is the first to kick off a campaign to see 2000 new emigres come to Israel before summer’s…

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