Brooklyn, New York November 8, 2006
Religious Jews, true to the Torah, will demonstrate outside the Israeli Consulate, Second Avenue and 42nd Street, in Manhattan, New York City on at 4:30 pm on Thursday, November 9, 2006 to protest the Israeli Supreme Court Decision to allow the controversial “Gay Rights Parade” planned for Friday, November 10, 2006 in Jerusalem in the Holy Land.
Rabbi Joseph Dershowitz stated: “It is only natural that this total disrespect for all that is sacred to the Jewish people should culminate in their trampling, opening and proudly, on the laws of immoral relationships call by the Torah “abominations”, acts that even the most assimilated Jews in past generations would never have dreamed of committing.”
Coincidentally the “Gay Pride” parade is scheduled to occur during the week of the Torah lesson on the destruction of the ancient city of Sodom. Rabbi Dershowitz continued, “And now, in the week in which we read in the Torah about God’s destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19), the unthinkable is happening: the modern-day Sodomites are bringing their perversion into the streets of Jerusalem, the Holiest of Cities to the Jewish people, with the smiling approval of the Israeli Supreme Court, threatening to make the Holy City into the next Sodom.”
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About True Torah Jews:
True Torah Jews against Zionism is an organization of religious Jews faithful to the teachings of Torah and opposed to Zionism.