The State of Israel solves nothing. All “problems” remain the same, and new ones are created.
For example:
1) The Arabian lands have been rendered uninhabitable for Jews;
2) constant wars with neighbors must be waged, incurring huge military expenditures and loss of many lives, in addition to constant peril;
3) it has exacerbated Jew-hatred in the nations, due to Arab influence and also to embroilment with the foreign policy of the nations;
4) and the proponents of the State of Israel – attempt to kindle a fire under the Jews in all lands in order to make their position untenable so that they emigrate to augment the population of the new State. (For example, Ben Gurion’s statement in the N.Y. Times 4/22/1963. “Jews are in truth a separate element in the midst of the peoples among whom they live an element that cannot be completely absorbed by any nation. for this reason no nation can calmly tolerate it in its midst”).(Sing You Righteous, #48)
Can a Jew expel a gentile who possesses land in the Land of Israel? Certainly not, because the land is not ours right now. (Tape # 35 (1973) Question 6)
When Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai met with the Roman general Vespasian (Gittin 56b), Rabbi Yochanan said that he and the other good Jews wanted to surrender and accept Roman rule, but the “ biryonim” (zealots) did not allow it. Vespasian said: “If a poisonous serpent coils itself around a keg of honey, do we not break the keg in the process of killing the serpent?” He meant that despite Rabbi Yochanan’s desire for peace, he could not call off the war because he had to defeat the zealots, and it would be impossible to do so without destroying Jerusalem and the Temple. Rabbi Yochanan was silent. He saw in Vespasian’s words a deeper and prophetic meaning of which the general himself was not aware. The Jewish people had been plagued for 150 years by the heretical Sadducees and the tyrannical Herodian monarchy. They had trampled on the people and on the Torah. Jerusalem and the Temple had become their political center and source of wealth; they were coiled around it like a serpent. One cannot shake off the serpent without destroying the keg, and so the destruction of Jerusalem was Hashem’s way of getting rid of them. Indeed, after the destruction, when there was no longer any political power or money to be had, these two groups were never heard from again. They assimilated, intermarried and went lost among the gentiles.
This is very important because there are analogies to this today. Today a snake has coiled itself around Eretz Yisroel…worse than the snake that existed then. The atheists who are in authority, who rule Medinas Yisroel, are the most dangerous serpent that ever came out from our midst.
“The tribe of the wicked cannot rest together with the lot of the tzaddikim, so that the tzaddikim not stretch out their hand to do wickedness.” (Tehillim 125:3) This is the principle we are explaining now: to protect the virtue of the righteous, it is imperative that the wicked be weeded out. And throughout our exile, Hashem is constantly weeding out the wicked among us. “Behold it is I who gives the order, and I will shake throughout all the nations the house of Israel, as something is shaken in the sieve.” (Amos 9:9) Shaking means expulsions, exiles, troubles. If you have flour mixed with pebbles, by holding it still you won’t separate it. You must shake that sieve up and down. Now the flour would prefer you should let it alone. But we want pure flour, so we shake it up and down, back and forth, and that causes the flour to go out and the dirt is kept back. As Hashem leads us through the nations He is sifting out the wicked. He took us into Spain and then there was an expulsion. The wicked remained, converted, and the good ones continued. He took us to Germany and there was Reform, assimilation, and the wicked intermarried and we got rid of them. He took us to Russia, there was Communism, many Jews embraced Communism and intermarried, and they got lost. All this was for the benefit of ridding us of the undesirable elements. And to quote from Yechezkel (20:35-38), “I shall bring you into the wilderness of nations…and I shall cause you to pass under my staff…and I shall pick out from you those who rebel and those who are disloyal to Me.” (Tape # 52)
Question: It was mentioned once here that Spiro Agnew was a good man. So how can you call him good in view of his anti-Semitism? Now, it’s very important not to make this error. Nobody is saying that this and this gentile is a lover of Jews. I’m not saying that about anybody. But what’s the proof that Agnew is an anti-Semite? That he said a certain statement that was prejudiced against the State of Israel. Now, don’t make any mistake: if a man is against the State of Israel, it doesn’t mean he’s an anti-Semite. That’s the policy of the Israeli people, the leaders of the Israeli people; they like that. They make it appear, and all the Jews swallow their propaganda line, that if you’re not for the State of Israel then you’re an anti-Semite. But it’s foolishness! One thing has nothing to do with the other at all.
The Jews are so propagandized that some Jews will give up the Ten Commandments, Shabbos they long ago gave up, they’ll give up everything else, they’ll even give up the prohibition to commit adultery, they’ll even give up the prohibition to bow down to a foreign god, like Ben-Gurion who went in the Buddhist monastery, “I am the L-rd your G-d” they won’t believe, they’re atheists like Rabin and Golda Meir – they’re all atheists! But one thing you have to be loyal to, American Jews all over: the UJA. Holy of holies! And bonds for Israel! In all the landsmanshaftn (hometown societies): Bonds for Israel! No Shabbos, no taharas hamishpacha, for many no kashrus, don’t believe in G-d, they haven’t put on tefillin since they left Europe. But bonds for Israel! That’s the propaganda that’s put into their soul.
So therefore, if somebody’s not for the State of Israel, he’s equated with anti-Semitism. That’s what they want! That’s politics. That’s nothing to do with it. So I’m not saying Spiro Agnew is one of the 36 righteous people who uphold the world. I’m saying as a goy, he was a decent, responsible goy. And Nixon was a decent, responsible goy. If you’re going to judge goyim on the criterion of their love for Jews, then I don’t know if you’ll have a bus driver or a janitor left. And we need janitors around. We need statesmen too. But certainly don’t judge them on the criterion if they’re friends of the State of Israel.
All the American Jews are brainwashed, they think that the State of Israel is the holy of holies of Judaism. This at least you have to hold onto. Everything else you can throw away, but your loyalty to the State of Israel – that’s something that shouldn’t budge. I was once talking to a young lady who came here. So she said she doesn’t want her husband to learn, she doesn’t want to keep Shabbos, she doesn’t want this, she doesn’t want that. But she is a Zionist – that she is. And she knows that I am not a patriot of the State of Israel, but she says, “I am a Zionist.” She sticks to Judaism. That’s something on which you can’t budge her. And this propaganda is a sickness, because this sickness makes people think that that’s enough. That’s better than believing in G-d, that’s better than keeping Shabbos. (Tape #162)
Listen to the tape of this last quote.