מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • Parsha Pearls: Tisha B’av

    Consulting the GedolimHashem Holds the KeysThe Latter-day BiryonimMiracles for the Wicked Hashem is righteous, but I rebelled against His mouth. (Eichah 1:18) The Gemora in Taanis 22b tells the story of how the righteous king Yoshiahu was killed in battle by the Egyptian soldiers. The king of Egypt was passing through Eretz Yisroel to fight…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Shavuos

    The Severity of an OathThe Danger of the Zionist LanguageLiving in the Holy Land During Exile Do not take the name of Hashem your G-d in vain, for Hashem will not acquit anyone who takes His name in vain. (Shemos 20:7) The Gemora in Shevuos (39a) says that before administering an oath, the beis din…

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  • Parsha Pearls: The Counting of the Omer

    The period of Sefiras Haomer is linked in our history with the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, whose yartzeit is on Lag Baomer. The Gemara (Shabbos 33b) relates that he spent thirteen years hiding in a cave with his son Rabbi Elazar, during which time they studied, prayed and lived off a miraculous carob…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Pesach

    Brisker Rav and Chazon Ish on the OathsWhen Excessive Prayer Becomes PermittedTwo Reasons Why We Eat Matza If the Holy One, blessed is He, had not taken our forefathers out of Egypt, we and our children and our children’s children would be slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt. (Hagadah) The Satmar Rav commented: We see here…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Purim

    Be Killed Rather Than Violate the OathsThey Can’t Admit Eretz Yisroel is a Dangerous PlaceHe Who Creates Danger and Then Saves You From ItFollowing Daas Torah There is one people, scattered and separated among the peoples, in all the states of your kingdom…” (Megillas Esther 3:8) The Ramban asks: Why were the Jews still scattered…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Chanukah

    The Dangers of Blind FaithNo CompromiseLight the Menorah, Don’t Fight a WarDon’t Be a Closet Anti-Zionist A man may not go out on Shabbos wearing a nailed sandal (Shabbos 60a). The Gemora explains that the Sages enacted this law in memory of a tragic incident that occurred during the Greek era. A large group of…

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    Loyalty to the GovernmentIsrael Will Never Again Arise On Her Own And Hashem said to him, “This is the land that I promised to Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, saying, to your seed I will give it. I have shown it to you in your eyes, but you will not cross over there.” (Devarim 34:4) The…

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  • Jews Against Zionism Launches Radio Campaign

    Nov. 30, 2007 In light of the recent Annapolis Conference and the efforts of various Orthodox Jewish groups, including Agudah, to spread their claim that Jerusalem should be under Jewish rule, Jews Against Zionism has embarked on a radio campaign. The text of the first radio advertisement is as follows: “This message is brought to…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Haazinu

    Don’t Sit With Your Hands Folded!Zionism is Idolatry And He will say, where are their gods, the rock in which they trusted, who ate the fat of their offerings, and drank the wine of their libations? Let them arise and help you, and be a shield to you! (32:37-38) The Torah is predicting that in…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Nitzavim-Vayeilech

    Not Like the Redemption Under CyrusG-d Favors the UnderdogThose Who Seek to Avoid ExileChristianity, Mendelssohn and Herzl And Hashem your G-d will bring back your captivity and have mercy on you, and He will once again gather you from all the nations where Hashem your G-d scattered you. (30:3) The Abarbanel writes that we learn…

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