מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • This Land is Our Land: Jewish Loyalty to their Home State

    As the United States celebrates the 241st anniversary of its founding, it seems an appropriate time to address a hackneyed conspiracy theory. That of Jewish dual loyalty. Namely dual loyalty to the Zionist State which, when deemed necessary by the powers that be, can even supersede loyalty for one’s country of residence. Discussions about this…

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  • Israel’s Anti-Semitism

    “I’ve long been of the position that a lot of this anti-Semitism furor has been overblown, and this would seem to underscore that.”Marc Zell, director of Republicans Overseas Israel. Last week’s revelation that a host of the recent bomb threats made on Jewish community centers throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand actually…

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  • Held Back – A Returnee’s Story

    “Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world – the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism.”David Ben-Gurion “A working and intellectual people? What were we before then?”True Torah Jews Jonathan Finkel’s life was typical of many American Jews. Growing up secular…

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  • From Jew to Israeli – In Quest of the “Other”

    “The new Israeli identity’s opposition to Jewish tradition is amply documented; it explains why the hostility to Judaism often encountered in Israel is unparalleled in the Diaspora. This hostility to Judaism found diverse expressions among the founders of the state, including the choice of new, Hebraized names; the father of a member of the Knesset…

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  • The Business of Anti-Semitism

    Every good marketer will tell you that one of the first steps in selling a product is convincing a prospective buyer of their need for a product and/or service. If the consumer feels no lack in living without this particular object, then the entire impetus to buy is lost. Selling a country to people is…

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  • How the Satmar Rebbe Answered the Brisker Rov’s Question

    The year was 1959. The Brisker Rov, his family and guests sat around the table at the Sheva Berachos of his youngest son, R’ Meir, and the conversation turned to Zionism. One of those present related that Reb Leib Hakohein, son of the Chofetz Chaim, said that they once asked the Chofetz Chaim, “Why aren’t…

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  • The Status Quo Agreement, and Why Agudah Didn’t Advocate Against a State

    Recently the newspapers Hamodia (6/9/2021) and Yated Neeman (6/25/2021) have published accounts of the “Status Quo” agreement reached between Agudath Israel and the Zionists in summer of 1947, in which the Zionist leadership made four promises relating to religion in the state they planned to found, in exchange for Agudah’s commitment not to advocate against…

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  • About

    Torah Jews was founded in 2002 in Brooklyn, New York by a group of Orthodox Jews from various communities, with a twofold purpose: 1) To spread the message that the State of Israel does not represent Jews or Judaism. 2) To reach out to our fellow Jews with books, articles and speeches about the Torah’s…

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  • Why Jews are Forbidden to Enter the Temple Mount

    Recently, as settler groups visited the Temple Mount, we reiterated the fact that Jewish law forbids these visits. Some have asked why. The Torah says, “Anyone who touches a dead human body and does not purify himself with the Red Heifer, has defiled the Temple of G-d, and his soul will be cut off from…

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  • Statement by the Central Rabbinical Congress on Anti-Semitism and Free Speech

    In response to the current public dispute between the ADL and Elon Musk, we would like to publicize the clear stance of the Torah. 1. The Torah is the Jewish people’s sole authority, and therefore the ADL and such organizations do not speak for the Jewish people. They do what is beneficial for their agenda…

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