מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • The Nation-State Law is a False Claim

    Recently, the State of Israel enacted a law proclaiming itself the ‘nation-state’ of all Jews on planet earth, regardless of nationality. Torah Jews believes this declaration to be wrong and unlawful. Since the Jewish people are a religious entity– not a race or nationality – such a claim is completely bogus. By irrevocably linking Jews…

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  • Nixon Tapes Prove that Anti-Semitism and Zionism Go Hand in Hand

    May 1, 2023 A new batch of recordings released by the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum provides further evidence of former U.S. President Richard Nixon’s animosity toward Jews. Particularly appalling were comments made by Nixon and his national security adviser Henry Kissinger after a March 1973 meeting with prime minister Golda Meir at the White…

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  • Two Different Faiths

    “Israel’s” state rabbinate recently released a list of 160 people whose certifications of Jewish identity are not recognized. Predictably, there has been a storm of protest from those who feel the state rabbinate has overstepped its bounds, regulating things it has no right to regulate. They’re right. A state organ declaring who’s Jewish and who…

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  • “Ultra-Orthodox” a Verbal Scapegoat

    The term “ultra-Orthodox” is, by design, a weapon of invalidation. The “ultra-Orthodox” refer to themselves as “Haredim” literally “those who tremble (before G-d)”. It’s meant as a goal to which one should aspire to. “Ultra-Orthodox” was a term invented, post-State of “Israel”, to clearly designate Haredim in the fledgling nation. They were “too much”, “ultra”…

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  • The Zionist Majority?

    ”Sanity is not statistical – Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad.” Winston Smith, 1984 (George Orwell) Living as many of us do in a democracy, we’ve been indoctrinated with the importance of “majority rules”. So entrenched is this idea that it can take on mythic proportions, a…

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  • On The Rebbe’s Yarhzeit…

    This Friday marks the anniversary of the passing of the Satmar Rebbe (Grand Rabbi), z”l. His leadership spanned over 70 years and four continents, enriching the lives of thousands and giving hope to a world seemingly struck down. Many Jews, especially those in America, owe their very lives as they know it to him. When…

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  • Shavous – The Making of a Nation

    “Israel is a nation and became a nation only through and for the Torah;  it possessed land and statehood only as instruments for translating the Torah into living reality:  This is why Israel was a people even before it possessed land and statehood; this too is why Israel survived as a people even after its land was…

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  • Out With the Old, In With the New

    Ever since German publicist Wilhelm Marr formulated the term “anti-Semitism” in 1870, the working definition of the term, though necessarily broad, was rather straightforward. The anti-Semitism of Marr’s day and of subsequent generations was loosely defined as a hatred of Jews based on their religion, race or place of origin, as with the famous pithy…

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  • The Unheard Voice

    As told to True Torah Jews – By Raphoel Miller (name has been changed) Growing up an Irish Protestant (with a Irish Catholic father), albeit an Americanized version thereof, I could not, until my conversion, claim any insider knowledge of the Jewish community.  My scope of knowledge was limited to the evening news, which at that…

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  • Yom HaShoah In “Israel” – The Art Of Fabrication

    Holocaust Remembrance Day is a national holiday in “Israel”, one replete with official ceremonies which are, of course, sufficiently solemn. “Never again!” is liberally sprinkled like confetti at a parade. Officials stand by with folded hands at memorial sites looking, again, sufficiently solemn. In truth, “standing by with folded hands” is precisely what the nascent…

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