מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.


  • What Are We Mourning?

    Tonight, Jews of all stripes will observe TIsha B’av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, a day of fasting and mourning over the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. What are they mourning? G-d decreed that the Jewish people should be in exile. We say in our prayers, “Because of our sins we were…

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  • Facebook Compromises the Jewish Identity

    In an unprecedented step, the Tech Giant Facebook, also known as Meta, has decided to censor the word “Zionist” on their Social Media Network when used as a ‘hate proxy’ for the Jewish people. In their updated policy statement, Meta wrote, “We consulted with external experts to understand better how people use the word “Zionist”…

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  • Shavous – The Making of a Nation

    “The Jewish People is a nation and became a nation only through and for the Torah;  it possessed land and statehood only as instruments for translating the Torah into living reality:  This is why Israel was a people even before it possessed land and statehood; this too is why Israel survived as a people even after its…

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  • Jerusalem Day – Profaning the Holy

    Jerusalem, the Eternal City, one which fires the imagination of billions across the globe. A place where celestial meets terrestrial. A heavenly city. It was precisely that supernal quality that so irked early Zionist ideologues, themselves firmly planted in the muddy soils of 19th Century European nationalisms. The fact that the city seemed to move…

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  • “Ultra Orthodox,” A Verbal Scapegoat

    The term “ultra-Orthodox” is, by design, a weapon of invalidation. The “ultra-Orthodox” refer to themselves as “Haredim” literally “those who tremble (before G-d)”. It’s meant as a goal to which one should aspire to. “Ultra-Orthodox” was a term invented, post-State of “Israel”, to clearly designate Haredim in the fledgling nation. They were “too much”, “ultra”…

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  • Torah Jews Open Letter to Senator Charles Schumer:

    An Open Letter to Senator Chuck Schumer On the proposed Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Dear Senator Schumer,We write to express our grave concern about the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which was already passed by the House of Representatives and is to be considered soon by the Senate. The bill adopts the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, which includes…

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  • Yom Haatzmaut: When The Sky Turned Black

    “Our revolution is directed not only against a system but against destiny, against the unique destiny of a unique people.”David Ben-Gurion The 5th day of the Jewish month of Iyar is celebrated in “Israel” with streets festooned with flags, barbecues and of course the ubiquitous fireworks of all independence days around the globe. At some…

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  • Yom Yom HaZikaron: What are Zionists remembering?

    Torah Jews received a letter from an American who recently made aliyah to “Israel”. Here’s what she wrote: I just returned from a Yom HaZicharon presentation with my Ulpan (Modern Hebrew language) class. It was my first and I went with an open mind. I hadn’t had breakfast or lunch and lacked the strength to…

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  • Yom HoShoah – The Art of Fabrication:

    Holocaust Remembrance Day is a national holiday in “Israel”, one replete with official ceremonies which are, of course, sufficiently solemn. “Never again!” is liberally sprinkled like confetti at a parade. Officials stand by with folded hands at memorial sites looking, again, sufficiently solemn. In truth, “standing by with folded hands” is precisely what the nascent…

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  • Balfour Mis-Declaration

    In 1917, Arthur James Balfour publicized the infamous “Balfour Declaration” in the form of a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild: “His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which…

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