מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.

November 2023

  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Lech Lecha

    Lot: The First ZionistWe Have No Other Desire But YouEfes Biltecha Goaleinu And Hashem said to Avram after Lot had separated from him: Lift up your eyes and see from the place where you are, north and south and east and west. (13:14) Rashi comments that Hashem waited to speak to Avram until the wicked…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Noach

    When the Righteous Fail to RebukeG-d Speaks to Us Through Current EventsAccepting the Decree of the KingNot For Us to Avenge And Hashem said to Noach: Come, you and your entire household, into the ark, for I have seen you to be a righteous man before Me in this generation. (7:1) The Mishnah in Bava…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Bereishis

    So What If the Nations Call Us Robbers?The Satanic Redemption To download a pdf file for this parsha, click here. In the beginning G-d created heaven and earth. (1:1) Rashi says: The Torah should have begun with the words, “This month will be for you the first of months” (Shemos 12:2), which was the first…

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  • Shiurim on Vayoel Moshe and Al Hageulah in English

    Over the years there has been a lot of demand to see the Sefer Vayoel Moshe translated into English to make it available to a wider readership. Unfortunately, this has not yet been done. But in response to the need, we started, b’ezras Hashem, a weekly shiur on Vayoel Moshe in English, given by Rabbi…

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  • History

    The Zivotofsky Passport Case and the History of JerusalemApr. 23, 2014 – Holocaust Memorial Day: Learning Lessons from HistoryTruth and Peace, a Letter to the Muslim Community by Rabbi Yosef Chaim SonnenfeldLetters Sent to the UN Against a Jewish StateThe Jews of Iraq, by Naeim GiladiYemenite Jewry’s HolocaustThe Tehran ChildrenThe Yemenite ChildrenThe Murder of Dr.…

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  • The State of Israel: The Most Dangerous Place for a Jew

    The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published on their website a running list of suicide and other bombing Attacks since the declaration of principles between the State of Israel and Arafat’s PLO in 1993. In 2015’s Global Peace Index, an annual ranking of the world’s nations on the basis of how peaceful they are, the Zionist…

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  • Zionism and the Holocaust

    Ten Questions to the Zionists, by Rabbi Michael Ber WeissmandlThe Role of Zionism in the Holocaust, by Rabbi Gedaliah LiebermanThe Story of Rabbi Weissmandl, by Rabbi I. Domb

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  • Zionism and Anti-Semitism

    Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained “we must, above all, make it an international political issue.” Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.”…

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  • Quotes from the Zionists

    Leon PinskerChaim WeizmannTheodor HerzlApolinari HartglassNathan SchwalbYitzhak GruenbaumVladimir JabotinskyDavid Ben-GurionDov JosephRabbi Hershel SchachterRabbi Joseph B. SoloveitchikEliezer Ben YehudaJoseph Klausner

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  • Zionism

    What is Zionism Quotes from Zionists Zionism and Anti-Semitism Nazi Propaganda was based on what Zionists said Zionism and Holocaust The State of Israel: The Most Dangerous Place for a Jew Books and Resources Historical Documents

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