מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.

November 2023

  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Pekudei

    Every Jew Must Fight HereticsShlomo’s Admittance to Olam Haba And Moshe saw all the work, and behold, they had done it as Hashem had commanded, so had they done; and Moshe blessed them. (39:43) The Baal Haturim writes (40:21) that the words “as Hashem commanded Moshe” appear 18 times in Parshas Pekudei, and this is…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Vayakhel

    The Zionists Are Like Titus in the TempleA Wake-up Call to Separate from the Wicked And Moshe gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel and said to them, “These are the things that Hashem commanded to do…take from yourselves a contribution to Hashem…” (35:1,5) The Zohar points out the difference between the wording…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Ki Sisa

    For Whom Were the Tablets Brought Down?Take Off Your Crowns!What Makes the Holy Tongue Holy? And Yehoshua heard the sound of the people as they shouted, and he said to Moshe, “The sound of war is in the camp!” And he said, “It is not the sound of cries of victory, nor the sound of…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Tetzaveh

    Fighting a Defensive War And you shall put into the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Tumim (28:7) Rashi explains that they wrote the four-letter name of G-d and placed it inside the folded breastplate, and when they would ask a question, G-d would answer by causing the letters of the breastplate to light…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Terumah

    I Am the Real King Solomon!Building the Temple Without MoshiachHeretics Destroy the Temple And they shall make Me a Sanctuary, and I shall dwell in their midst.” (25:8) The Midrash in Parshas Toldos tells the following story: In the days of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananya, the evil kingdom (Rome) decreed that the Beis Hamikdash be…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Mishpatim

    It’s Our Vote that Counts in Heaven!The Insane Call the Sane InsaneThe Meaning of the Sapphire BrickWhen We Don’t Follow a Majority And he shall surely heal. (21:19) The Gemora in Bava Kama 85a says, “From here we learn that a doctor is permitted to heal.” Rashi explains that if not for this verse, we…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Yisro

    One Must Have a RebbeDon’t Be a Blind FollowerThe Danger of Heretical ThoughtsMake Clear What You’re Protesting Against And Yisro, priest of Midyan, father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that G-d did for Moshe and Israel His people… And Yisro came… (18:1,5) Reb Elyakim Shlessinger once asked the Brisker Rav why his wife’s grandfather, Reb Yaakov…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Beshalach

    The Zionist Leaders are AmalekReligious MKs Lend Legitimacy to the GovernmentJudaism Versus IdolatryLeaving Egyptian Exile Early And Moshe said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see Hashem’s saving that He will perform for you today… Hashem will fight for you, and you will be silent.” (14:13-14) Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich (1863-1944), the…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Bo

    Natruna Means Waiting PatientlyDon’t Come In Unless You’re InvitedPurifying the Fiftieth GateThe Difference Between the Exodus and the Future Redemption And it will be for you to guard… Do not eat of it raw… (12:6,9) The Pesikta DeRav Kahana says that these verses contain hints to the Four Exiles and their redeemers. The chapter begins,…

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  • Parsha Pearls: Parshas Va’eira

    Why Did the Fish Have to Suffer?The Lesson of the Hamotzi BlessingDon’t Antagonize the Nations in Exile And G-d spoke to Moshe, and said to him, “I am Hashem.” (6:2) Why does the Torah switch in mid-sentence from “Elokim” to “Hashem”? At the end of last week’s parsha, Moshe said, “Why have You dealt badly…

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