מוסד נטרונא, Anti-Zionist organization, Gatekeepers of the Satmar Rebbe’s Legacy.



In his latest radio segment Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro brings down compelling arguments on the topic “Are Jews White?”.
Here is a summary of the Rabbi’s show. In case you missed it you can listen to the recording below.

Tune in December 22nd from 9:30-10pm to Rabbi Shapiro’s latest segment “Is Jerusalem the Jewish Capital?” live on WSNR 620 AM or by calling 616-597-1984.

“Are Jews White?” with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

Recently, in Texas, a “Rabbi” representing Hillel (a Zionistic Jewish campus organization) lost an argument with a Neo-Nazi… about Judaism. Richard Spencer, the leader of the National Policy Institute (a USA-based white supremacist organization) was giving a speech about his desire for the United States to become a white supremacist nation, one that excludes Black people, Jews, Mexicans, and any other racial minority.

The “Rabbi” stood up in the middle of Spencer’s speech and said to him: “You are teaching radical exclusion, I teach radical inclusion, let’s learn Torah together.”. Spencer quickly replied: “Do you really want radical inclusion in the State of Israel? Be honest… Jews have continued to exist because of radical exclusion; they refused to intermarry with the gentiles. I respect that, you have a culture and that is what I want for my people (white people)”. The “Rabbi” stumbled and did not have a rebuttal for Spencer.

Basically what Richard Spencer argued was that the State of Israel does not want Jews to be a minority. They want to have a Jewish majority to keep their culture “pure”. If you believe that there should be a Jewish state in Israel then why can’t the white supremacists have a WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) state over here? The Jewish people are their model as they have succeeding in creating a State for themselves.

The “Rabbi” did not have an answer for Spencer. The next day he told reporters that he simply isn’t an experienced debater. He squashed his argument in 30 seconds- The Neo-Nazi destroyed the “Rabbi’s” argument using a coherent argument.

The Rabbi was not actually talking to the Neo-Nazi about Judaism- he was talking about Zionism. Jews and Nazis agree on one thing: Israel represents the Jews and the Jews are a religion/nation/race. What does Israel have to do with Torah Judaism? The Jews did not create the state, the Zionists did. Jews are members of a religion – Zionists are members of a political movement. When one of Rabbi Shapiro’s student’s was in law school, a professor said that in Israel they allow torture. A religious, Jewish student argued that torture is against Judaism. Everyone was confused and thought that Israeli law is Jewish law. It’s not.

Many articles have been written recently by various Zionists claiming that the Jewish people are not white- they are an ethnicity called Jewish. The truth is that Jews are not an ethnicity, you can’t convert to an ethnicity. Jews can be Black, White, Asian, etc. The Jewish people are only a people because of the Torah. If we didn’t have the Torah we wouldn’t be Jews. The only reason we exist as Jews is because of our religion. For thousands of years this is how the Jewish people understood themselves.

Then came the Zionists who said that the Jewish people are not a religion. They wanted to be atheists but we still want to be “Jews”. Herzl had an idea that in order to fix the Jews he will convert all the Jews to Christianity. He quickly realized that it was easier to assimilate then to stage a mass coversion. Assimilation didn’t work because the non-Jews persecuted them anyway, even though they weren’t religious. When the assimilated saw that it didn’t work, they came up with Plan-B: Zionism.

Zionism means that Jews are going to become a nation with a culture. However, Torah Jews don’t have a culture, there are all kinds of different Jewish cultures. Yemenite Jews, Hungarian Jews, Moroccan Jews, etc. We don’t even have a common language as most Jews do not speak biblical Hebrew. The only thing that we have in common is our religion. We don’t even have a common land as we are in exile.

The founders of Zionism created a language, which is a national characteristic (Ivrit) because they wanted to create a culture. They created a land- “Israel”. They rewrote Jewish history and said they are now the real Jews; the nation of Israel.

Many people (Zionists included) don’t realize that you can’t be an atheist Jew just like you can’t be an atheist Muslim or Christian. However, if you asked an atheist what makes you a Jew they may say “I’m a national Jew” – do you live in Israel “no” they what makes you a Jew? “Well I’m an ethnic Jew” but there are Chinese Jews. Jews have no ethnic characteristics. There are Zionists that say Judaism is a tribe. That can’t be though because tribal affiliations go by the father. But if that’s the case then why does Judaism go through the mother?

The Nazis also wanted the Jews to be a race, not a religion. Nazis are racist antisemites and they want to exclude Jews from their countries. They view them as an ethnic minority. The Zionists and the antisemites have common ground. They say that Judaism is a race. Torah authorities say that those who believe in Jewish Nationalism are idol worshippers. You could even eat kosher, put on tefillin, you are still an idol worshipper. It’s a terrible thing. The nazis where nationalists. We learned how horrible it is because of the Jews who were the victims of this. It is treason against the Jewish people and Hashem (G-d) to believe in Jewish nationalism. The Zionists rewrote history.

When the Zionists started their movement they changed the definition of Judaism. Unfortunately both the Rabbi in Texas and Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer believe in the concept as Jews as a nation.

At the end of the day this is what we have: this new neo-Nazi movement wants to take over the United States and exclude Jews and other minorities. Never mind that the movement is disgusting, the idea that Jews are not white, but are a specific nationality is a racist idea and a Zionist idea. Neo-Nazis quote that in the 1700’s, the beginning of the United States, only free white people were allowed to immigrate. They fail to mention that Jews were included in the founding fathers definition of free white people.